
By: All business reputation


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Reduce time to proficiency through Onboarding Solutions

When the war for talent is on, its is hard to attract right employees. Recruiters have to work day in and day out to scan through resumes, conduct multiple interviews and assessments to find right candidates. Organizations invest time and money in Recruitment Journey. Evenwith a great employer experience, a candidate joining the organization is sheer luck - as most of active job seekers have multiple offers in hand.

Candidates accepting the offer letter or joining the organization is only half the journey for organizations. Unless the new hires are proficient, productive and contribute to the top line, the purpose of recruitment is not met.

Here are general challenges that organizations face with new hires:

  • However diligent recruitment process is, it is impossible to eliminate skills competence difference in hired resources and the desired level of skills and competence.
  • The onus is on the organization to bridge this gap through training. Several organizations struggle with the lack of trainers, training resources and training effectiveness.
  • New hires come from various walks of life, they have cultural difference, they learning abilities are different, their inquisitive levels and IQ levels are different. Each learner need his own time space to learn.
  • In absence of an efficient training intervention, the efficiency of the new hires is average to low when they hit the production floor. Sometimes a cultural alignment is missing that hampers the productivity.
  • The line managers receive resources whose productive readiness is low. It becomes the Lines Manager’s responsibility to upgrade these new resources for the productive readiness. Line Managers are often laden with operational issues and the training takes the back seat.

A good onboarding strategy can help organizations to reduce the time to proficiency of new hires. It can enable them to adapt the new culture, fill the skills and competence gap andmake them productive.

Right Approach to Onboarding

An onboarding solution can be a One hour video or One hour of e-Learning about your organization and its various policies / processes. It might be a presentation by a few of your employees. Ot it can be an engaging blended program. A good onboarding program can impact the productivity of your new hires as well as create a great first impression on your fresh talent.

Here are some thought on right approach to Onboarding success.

Avoid One Size Fits All:

Each organization is different. One cannot copy from popular case studies and apply it to their organization. While it is good to consider the best practices, organizations must create their unique secret sauce of success.

Blended Learning for Onboarding:

One single pattern or mode can be boring and sometimes ineffective. It may not address the needs of all type of learners. Use various modes of training, and modalities of content can make the onboarding exciting.

Start as early as possible:

The time of starting the onboarding also impacts how quick your new hires are productive. The sooner the better.

From onboarding event to Onboarding process:

Many organizations make onboarding a 1-2 day event. It is better to spread this event into a learning networking process for new hires.

Impact of a Great Onboarding

A great Onboarding Program can benefit your organization in many ways like -

  • Reduced Time to Proficiency
  • Better Employee Engagement
  • A Lasting Employee Experience
  • Network with other colleagues within and across business functions
  • Comfort level at the new workplace

Our Onboarding Solution

All business reputation Interactive can help you to with innovative processes and learning assets to create a blended learning approach. We can help you with:

Organizational Onboarding:

Create programs to aware your new hires with your organization’s culture.

Role Based Onboarding:

Develop trainings for your products, services, processes and relevant technical skills.

Compliance Trainings: We can develop mandatory compliance & policy trainings whether they are a legal requirement or a business need.